Thursday, August 2, 2012

Red, white and blue? (Chip It powder room)

Hey hey! I’m back with an update on the plan for the powder room redo. It’s been a long time coming and I told you about the sorry state of this room back in this post.

I showed you how I used the new Sherwin-Williams Chip It! tool to find colors from this artwork the Bub painted:

It’s serving as my inspiration for this room. Thing is, the colors are definitely outside my comfort zone – they are brighter than I usually go with, but that’s kind of the point. I want to do something different in here and I think small spaces like a powder room are the perfect opportunity to do that!

To sooth my color jitters a bit, I did a search of blue and red rooms on Pinterest, and it definitely helped. :) I am going for a classic (not necessarily Americana) but fun look in this space and seeing these spaces calmed my nerves.

They are lovely!:

Isn’t that a sweet, comfy room?

This is one of my favorites – check out those gorgeous drapes:



I love the way all of the prints work together too.

The walls in this space are close to the current walls in our bathroom:


My plan is to keep the light blue ceiling in here to tie everything together, and this shows me it can work!

This blue is a little brighter but also works:

And here’s yet another light blue wall with the red touches and it doesn’t scream Fourth of July to me at all:


I think this color combo is just a total classic and I’m getting really excited to make it work in our powder room!

Here’s a reminder of the colors that Chip It picked out from the artwork:

Sherwin Williams chip it

They were actually spot on – they matched the art perfectly. The Fireworks color was a little more pink than I wanted for this room, so I went to the paint chip and the next darker color was perfect.

It’s called Heartthrob and it is FUN! I thought I would test it out first to see what I thought, so I grabbed the one and only accessory I currently have in this space, my little tray I use for extra TP:

I sprayed it down with a quick coat of primer (to hide the print) and then did two coats of Heartthrob. Against the light blue wall, with the white toilet, it gave me an idea of how this color scheme will work look in this room:

I dig it. :)

The Bub’s art will go in the room somewhere, and you can see how well it works here:


The Heartthrob color picks up the darker tones in the art, the Fireworks color matched the lighter ones.

So are you seeing my vision?? Maybe I’m not so crazy after all! :)

(We’ll see about that…)

You can check out the Chip It tool yourself if you haven’t already! Just drag this little button next to your tool bar on your computer screen:


And that’s it! You’re done! You can click that button whenever searching the net to find Sherwin Williams matches from any photo. You can also upload your own picture like I did.

I’ve already started the painting and wall treatment in here and I can’t wait to show you. It’s bold but I love it! (You can see my plans for this room at my powder room Pinterest board here.)

I’ll update you soon on the progress! Have a GREAT weekend!! Enjoy the summer, it’s slipping away! :)

Red, white and blue? (Chip It powder room) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Great Blogger


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