Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What I did on summer vacation

Hello!! Well, it’s official – I’m the Mama of a kindergartener. :) It went off without a hitch and I surprisingly haven’t (really) cried yet. Tears have welled up a few times, but I’m holding it together and keeping myself busy.

I always feel like a slug during the summer, and I did especially so this summer. I was just so focused on soaking up the last days with my boy home all day every day, I didn't want it to pass me by. So I know things have been lighter around here lately and that’s why. But I am super excited about the fall and projects and posts, so stay tuned!!

I haven't done a month in review all summer, so I’m catching up all at once today. I have to say, looking back I don’t feel nearly as sloth-like as I felt. ;)

I’m linking to a few of my favorites under the collages – take a look and check them out if you missed any:

From left to right, top to bottom (sorry I had to add “here” for the link on each one – Live Writer hates me today):

1. Simple summer touches (here)
2. How to DIY built ins (here)
3. Trying out Annie Sloan paint (here)
4. DIY ORB light fixture (here)
5. How to stain butcher block (here)
6. Vintage rolling (storage) crate (here)
7. A (round) laundry chute (here)

1. Plan for the red, white and blue powder room (here)
2. New laundry room tile (here)
3. A pretty summer tablescape (here)
4. New paint color! (And it’s not pink, WHOO!) (here)
5. Back to school ideas (here)
6. DIY painted canvas art (here)
7. DIY wall treatment above the fireplace (here)

I almost forgot one of my favorite projects! My DIY sunburst mirrors made for just $10 each.

Oh, and the basement was finally finished (mostly) and we had a bit of drama (water issues) just a week after the carpet was installed. Water issues THREE times. But I’m not bitter or anything. ;) All is well now, (it was due to plumbing we had never used down there and getting it working right) and I can honestly say I’m still thrilled about having carpet down there – carpet can be pulled up and dried out super fast. Now I know. :)

I did some DIY this summer, but I mostly slept as much as possible, enjoyed having my hubby and son home and played, a LOT:

It was probably the best summer yet. They are growing on me. ;)

Now that school is underway I am so excited about this extra time I’ll have to dedicate to blogging and the house! I’ve already been on the computer for three straight hours today – longest stretch practically ever.

I am hoping to post more often now, and will have some recurring themed posts that will pop up here and there. I’ll tell you more about those soon. And the biggest change I think most of you will notice – after four years of publishing my posts late at night, I’m going to try to start getting them done during the day. It’s a BIG change for me but I’m looking forward to it. I want to focus on business stuff during the day and have my evenings free for my son and my husband. First time for that in a loooong time!

So this is my first. I’m hoping to get them written earlier in the morning than this one, but this is new for me, bear with me. :)

And now I can officially say it…BRING ON FALL!!!! Whooooooooooo! (First football game this weekend!!)

What I did on summer vacation Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Great Blogger


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