Friday, August 24, 2012

(Your) beautiful bathrooms

Hey hey! How the heck are ya? I’m in major get-as-much-done-as-possible mode right now. The sister’s wedding shower is tomorrow and like the good procrastinator that I am, I waited till today to really start preparing for it.

How much can one woman accomplish in 24 hours? We’re about to find out people. We’re about to find out.

I’m good under pressure though…I get all AMPED and PUMPED and ready to get ‘er done! That is till about seven hours from now when I’ll collapse. ;)

I’m back today sharing some of the beeeeautiful bathrooms you linked up at the Show Us Your House link up back in July. I really couldn’t get over all of the lovely rooms you all shared – so inspiring!!

I loved the color, the board and batten and the window treatment in Linda’s bathroom, but I think I liked these the best of all:

numbered hooks bathroom

I don’t know if I’ll ever tire of the cuteness that is numbering things. ;)

OK, prepare yourself – Jennifer’s bathroom redo was SO gorgeous, I couldn’t decide on just one picture:

white and aqua bathroom

OH my goodness, I was drooling over each and every little bit of it!

I just had to share this cute idea too:

wash your hands sign

I must find a antique hand to hold a wash your hands sign! I must!! How cool is that?

You must check out the before of Virginia’s bathroom to truly appreciate this beautiful space:

white gray striped wall

They didn’t replace anything big though – it’s all the power of paint! And that one small striped accent wall is perfection!

I love how Jenn used mason jars for storage in her bathroom:

mason jar in bathroom

What did we do with all those mason jars before blogging? Now they are practically a decor staple. ;)

Lisa shared a brilliant idea to paint that pesky area behind the toilet:

how to paint behind the toilet

I loathe that spot. Can I tell you a secret? Sometimes I just don’t paint back there. Don’t look next time you visit. ;)

And finally, but certainly not least, a lovely navy and gold bathroom makeover:

navy and gold bathroom

Shannon used some thrifty finds to redo this space and I love how elegant and dramatic it is! That deep blue color is gorgeous, especially with the pops of white.

So what do you think, pretty amazing huh? I continue to be blown away at the talent out there in blogland! As always, if you’d like to pin any of these images, please visit their respective sites to do so.

Anything fun planned for the weekend? After the wedding shower we’ll be bachelorette-partying it up, but I doubt I’ll last as long as the bride-to-be. Now that school has started I’m out of commission by about 10 p.m. ;)

Hope you  have a great one!

(Your) beautiful bathrooms Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Great Blogger


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