Well HEY! I’m back to finish up our series of fall linkies – this time we’re sharing easy, inexpensive, quick fall decor ideas here at TDC!:
I’ve already shared a few of my simple fall decorating projects this year – the pumpkin wreath took less than 30 minutes because I just stuck everything in and called it done:
And even making the new wood trough for fall goodies in the family room was quick:
This time we’re going SUPER easy. And we’re using little bitty pumpkins.
Simple? Check.
Quick? Check.
Cauuute? Check. :)
These ideas are not earth-shattering, but they are not hard to incorporate into your own home. That’s the goal here. :)
I already kind of showed you this idea on the patio last week, but it’s worth showing again. Take any kind of vessel – a bowl, a basket…a pedestal even. And pile in some pumpkins (OK, gourds too):
You can add some extras like leaves or beady things too, but I’m drawn to the simple look of these as they are. And I LOVE the combo of the wood next to the pumpkins!
Simple idea No. 2 – I took a glass container and a big candle and filled in the sides with the itty bitty pumpkins:
Of course light the candle at your own discretion. I would not, just because it would stress me out a bit. ;) But it took about two minutes to throw together.
Recently I saw an idea in a magazine where they filled the vessel with water and added flowers to the top, instead of the candle inside. LOVE that idea too.
Speaking of magazines – the inspiration for this one was taken right off the cover of the latest BHG mag:
I used a former brass clock (Goodwill find) and turned it into a cloche. (I showed you how here.) I just laid some fluffy moss inside and piled a couple pumpkins on top. I love the contrast of the deep green and the orange of the pumpkins!
I loved the simple version, but had to go just a big bigger – my cheese plate dome-turned-cloche was big enough to hold even more of the cutie pumpkins:
I added some more of the moss around the edge of the cloche and l LOVE this one even more! Too cute!
Now I want to see your ideas!! Like always, I appreciate a link back to this post or my blog and you can use this button and code to do so:
<div align="center"><a href="http://www.thriftydecorchick.com/" title="Fall Party" target="_blank"><img src="http://i916.photobucket.com/albums/ad2/bethcrabtree/Fall_Link_Party_Sarah.jpg" alt="Fall Party" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Now let’s see your projects! :
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