Friday, September 14, 2012

Tissue poms! (Poofs?)

Hello there! I’m back today with a project that I’m guessing many of your already know how to  make – but because I’m always years behind everyone else, I never knew how to make them till a few weeks ago.

I figured I’d share how easy they are just in case some of you are years behind the trends like me. I feel you sister. Double thump to the chest.

I decided to make some of these for my sis’s wedding shower after my friend Chris shared some pics of her daughter’s birthday party with me. Check it out here cause it’s GORGEOUS.

Anyhoo, here’s the quick how-to…

Start with 8-10 tissue sheets, stacked up (I like ten cause it makes them extra poofy), then start folding it accordion style:

DIY tissue pomsDIY tissue poms

Fold it all the way and when you’re done, find the middle and tie it up. I used some thin wire I had, then tied a ribbon around that so I could hang them. You could really get away with tying them up with just about anything, as long as it’s tight – ribbon, string, whatever:

DIY tissue poms

Next it’s time to make them look like a “flower” – take scissors and cut down each end. You can do a half circle, for smaller “petals,” (picture on the left) or I found if you cut down one end one direction, then the other end the other direction, it makes even bigger petals (picture on the right):

 DIY tissue poms DIY tissue poms

I wanted to add some color to the white ones and first I thought about dipping them in some paint or food coloring water. But then I quickly realized I’d have to wait for them to dry before I could open them up and was way too impatient. ;)

Instead I took markers and colored the edges:

DIY tissue poms

It took no time at all and gave them the hint of color that I wanted.

You’re almost done – now it’s time to open them up! Just take each layer of tissue and start pulling it way from the next:

Just keep pulling and fluffing and eventually you’ll get a beautiful paper flower!:

green blue white tissue poms

I’m now OBSESSED with them. Having a boy means I haven’t had much of a chance to make them, hence my being behind with these cuties. Now…watch out son. They’re coming to a birthday party near you.

Here’s how the edges came out:

tissue poms colored edges tissue poofs

On the one on the right I did pointy petals and didn’t like those quite as much. I prefer the softer version.

I got a few different tissue colors, including a package that had three different blue tones, and those gave it an ombre effect:

ombre tissue poms

Aren’t they crazy fun??

And say it with me…you know you want to…

They’re. so. FLUFFY!!!!!!

DIY tissue poofs

(Name that movie. Can’t wait till 2013 for the next one.)

I tied them up under the light fixture and they made a HUGE statement at the shower without spending a lot of money:

I may or may not have left them up for a week after, just so I could enjoy them a little longer. The girly girl in me is in luuurve.

You can find kits to make these online and at craft stores, but I’ve seen them cost anywhere from $13 to $18 for eight or so. The kits just give you the tissue already folded with the ends cut – this part takes about two minutes so you’ll save a TON doing these yourself! They really are super easy!

So am I the last person on earth to make these? Are you all way ahead of me? Anyone not know how till now?


There has to be one of you. ;)

Have a GREAT weekend! Catch you on the flip side.

Tissue poms! (Poofs?) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Great Blogger


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