Hey there! It’s time for another Show Us Yo House party! ;) This time it’s bedrooms. The bedrooms in this house seem to stay the way they are for a looong time, hence the reason I don’t blog about them often. :)
I tweaked our master bedroom a little bit last summer and showed you here. It’s changed very little since then. Or…not at all. ;) I still love the Target bedding, especially this time of year:
And the drapes go perfectly with it!:
I’ve been planning a wall treatment over the fireplace wall for years…but it’s goes pretty high up there so I’ve been avoiding that DIY:
That chair is now in the guest room – this older photo. But everything else is still exactly the same. :)
I do want to repaint that room badly, but it’s at the bottom of a long list. Very. long. list.
The Bub’s room was a labor of love – for both the nursery version and the big boy one:
Again – I’ve barely touched this room since I finished it up. I do still want to add a window seat in here, but that’s been on the list for six years, sooooo…we’ll see. Someday it will happen!
I was so worried about the navy blue before I started painting in there, but now I love it so much. Love how all the white molding pops against the blue:
And then, of course there’s the infamous guest room. Well, infamous in my head cause I keep saying I’m going to work on it and NEVER do:
It’s still painted in pastels from when my stepdaughter was younger. This one has been like this for eight years without a new coat of paint. Told you I don’t do much with the bedrooms!
Now it’s time to see yours! I need some inspiration for that guest room. :) I’d love a link back in your post, and if you’d like to be considered for a highlight, you can just link back or use this button:
<div align="center"><a href="http://thriftydecorchick.com/" title="Show Us Your House" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.homestoriesatoz.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/image34.png" alt="Thrifty Decor Chick" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Only two more months in this series! Next up in November is foyers and mud and laundry rooms in December.
This linky will be open for a week – link it up here!:
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