Our cruise was a blast! But I have to admit, with all the bad press cruises have gotten recently, I was a little nervous. Did any of you watch this? I'm not gonna lie it freaked me out a little. But just in case we were to get stranded out to sea I made sure to pack some fun stuff.
If you follow me on instagram (@kirstenkrason) you got a peak into my suitcase a couple of weeks ago.
The stores are starting to carry a few select summer/spring items but not a ton so it was somewhat difficult getting ready for our trip. Plus since I was hugely pregnant last summer my "warm-weather" wardrobe is severely suffering. Here are a few of the pretties I managed to get for our cruise.
First of all I love these peep toe neon jelly shoes from Forever 21. They are super comfy and oh so bright.
I usually take my diaper bag as my carry-on but since this was a "kids-free" trip I didn't have it. I bought this duffel bag at Forever 21 two weeks ago and I LOVE it. It's such a great size. I wish I'd bought it years ago.
I saw this cute shirt on Brickyard Buffalo a few weeks ago and I snatched it up. I know neon was the big thing last spring but I'm hoping it's around for at least another season.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a swim cover up this time of year? Let me tell you I had to do some searching. I finally grabbed this ruffle maxi cover up from Target. It's really lightweight and I feel like the navy and white stripes are very "cruise" fitting.
I bought this lightweight scarf at Forever 21. I didn't have room to pack a ton of outfits so this scarf enabled me to change up my look pretty easily.
Cruises are wonderful because you are completely unplugged from the world. I used that as an excuse to catch up on some reading. I've been wanting to read the book,Blog, Inc.
for awhile now so I bought it just for the trip!
I also read,The Fault in Our Stars
by John Green which was a great read! Have any of you read it?
Our trip was fun but I'm so glad to be back. I just need to get through the mounds of laundry that are waiting for me and SO much unpacking still to do...
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