Today I am featuring the home of Ashli from the blog the Mini Manor. Here is what she says she loves about her home,
"I feel like I should state the obvious like the people I share it with . . . including our new baby boy Hudson we adopted 2 months ago.
But on a totally superficial level what I love most about my home is how our laundry room is on our main floor (in our mudroom) because it makes laundry so easy. I can hear the buzz when it's done and I can get the one load out and the other load in, while waiting for the pasta to boil. ;)."
l i v i n g r o o m

o f f i c e

k i t c h e n

m a s t e r b e d r o o m

l a u n d r y r o o m

g i r l s ' r o o m

g a r a g e

Get all the details on this garage garden station here.
Thanks so much to Ashli for sharing her home with us. Make sure you check out her blog here!
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