Today we have a fun art tutorial from my contributor, Brittany from the blog, brittanyMakes. This project is so creative and easy! You are going to love it.
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Hey everyone! I'm so happy to be back! I was away in July, you know, just getting married and stuff, but I'm finally back from all the wedding shenanigans and here today to share another easy DIY.
Ikea frames are fantastic, they're perfect for the budget-conscious decorator. Ikea's frames are super affordable, and you can pretty much find a style and color that suits your tastes. There's nothing wrong with how Ikea's frames look, but sometimes grouping too many together can look too "Ikea". I think you know what I mean. There are literally thousands of ways you can customize a frame to make it more "you" and to better fit your tastes, but for today's post, I wanted to share with you 3 ways to spruce-up your Ikea frames using household supplies you probably already have lying around!
Polka Dots!
These definitely aren't your average polka dots. These polka dots were made using two ingredients: adhesive dots and glitter! Adhesive dots come equally spaced on a strip of tape, all you need to do is lay a long piece of the tape on the matting, apply a little pressure on each dot to make sure it's secure, then pull off the back side of the tape to leave perfectly placed adhesive dots.
The adhesive dots are super sticky, one quick shake of glitter and you're covered! I used a plastic container to catch the glitter.
I chose Adhesive Dots over Glue Dots because Adhesive Dots are perfectly round, Glue Dots are kinda misshapen, and I knowing how OCD I am I needed the polka dots to be perfectly round and equally spaced.
You will always go right with black and white, am I right? Ha! I give you permission to make fun of me now :P Anyway, instead of drawing or painting stripes, just grab a roll of electrical tape! First, I
grabbed an Ikea Virserum frame...
Then, some electrical tape....
and started taping off stripes. I just eyeballed the spacing of the stripes, but you can use a ruler if you don't trust your measuring skills. But seriously, this project took like 5 minutes and looks crazy good!
Chalk it Up
Chalkboard paint isn't just for walls! Using a little artist brush you can turn the matting from your Ikea frame into a chalky doodle board in about an hour.
You can draw a cute boarder like I did, or do something crazy like draw thought bubbles and insert captions to pictures. Literally, the creativity is yours!
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Hi! I'm Brittany from the blog brittanyMakes, where I journal my adventures in DIY projects ranging from everyday home decor to handmade jewelry, from tips in photography to stories of bulldogs, and everything else in-between. I am a fierce accountant by day and a zealous DIYer by night. I spend my time balancing my love for home decor and design with the everyday responsibilities of my corporate day job. My main mission is to inspire my readers to do what they love, take risks, and above all, to exercise their creative muscles!
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